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What forms of payment are available to me?

Google AdSense offers payment to publishers in US dollar cheques as well as local currency options in many locations. Secured Express Delivery is available to all publishers and Electronic Funds Transfer is offered to publishers in a select number of countries and territories.Electronic Funds Transfer: With Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), your payment is deposited directly into your bank account in your local currency. To find out more about this free payment type, please read What is Electronic Funds Transfer?Local currency cheques: Google will convert your earnings from US dollars into your local currency if this option is selected. Available to publishers in more than 40 countries, local currency cheques are generally less expensive to deposit at your bank and take less time to clear. For instructions on selecting local currency cheques as your form of payment, read How do I sign up for local currency cheques?Secured Express Delivery: Secured Express Delivery ensures that your c...
More About: Payment , Forms

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